3)No hassle – fuel, insurance, maintenance Don’t need to fill in paperwork every time your rent (like a traditional rental car) Can reserve and pick up 24/7 Zipcars offer a convenience over public transit.They are in convenient locations to be useful and attractive to potential users.$4.50/hr (C. QuestionsIntro to Management 12Tea Tree Systems Michael Chamberlin Drew Kessler Bill Wenrich Daniel Zhao (continued) AnalysisOpportunities:There are no competing car sharing companies currently operating on the East coastUrban areas with over 25 households/acre frequently have less than 1 car per householdThreats:Existing car rental companies are established in many markets and could enter the car sharing marketZipcar’s profits are heavily reliant on steady prices in fuel, maintenance, and parkingIntro to Management 11 Partner with public transportationSupplement, not replace existing transit networksLocate Zipcar pods near mass transit stationsBegin a journey on public transportation, complete the last leg with ZipcarPutting cars here is also an investment in advertising because they are located in a heavily-trafficked areaIntro to Management 9Īnalysis of ExpansionStrengths:Co-founders have experience in business, environmental issuesEstablished relationships with insurance, car manufacturers, parking authoritiesWeaknesses:The management team is weak - Danielson is distracted by research and is not committed to ZipcarThere is a significant investment into a city before any profit can be realizedIntro to Management 10 MembershipOpen to those 21+ with license, depositSome people with poor driving record excludedAnnual membership fee + hourly rateIntro to Management 6īrand Image & AdvertisingEstablished through word-of-mouth advertising in urban areasExpand advertising to include posters in proximity to mass transit stations in future markets for expansionPartner with mass transitHelp customers chose the best option for themBased on honesty and trustIntro to Management 7Įnvironment13% of members have sold a car since joining40% have avoided buying a carIn San Francisco, car share members drive 47% lessAlways aware of miles and hoursEquate reducing driving & fuel consumption with saving moneyIntro to Management 8
Our Market SegmentsConsumers – Provide personal drivers with a more cost effective solution for car ownership and rental.Intro to Management Businesses – “Z2B” plan and dedicated vehicle program provides cost-effective transportation for businesses5
How to Spend the MoneyExpand into East coast marketsAdd targeted advertising to the established word-of-mouth advertisingExtend Zipcar as a cost-saving resource for business travelFocus on promoting the environmental benefits of car sharingIntro to Management 4

Who is Zipcar?Zipcars live in neighborhoods, near businesses, and at transit locations in BostonShared vehicles that members can drive by the hour or day – from only $4.50/hrNo hassle – The hourly fee covers all expenses:FuelInsuranceMaintenanceAnd we are expanding…Intro to Management 3 Who is Zipcar?How should we spend the money?Market segmentsMembershipsBrand imageEnvironment Public transitAnalysis Intro to Management Agenda2 Intro to Management 1Tea Tree Systems Michael Chamberlin Drew Kessler Bill Wenrich Daniel ZhaoBill Wenrich01 April 2010